10 Tips To Spruce up Hookah Smoking Evenings

by | Dec 13, 2024 | Sin categoría

The legendary hookah is gaining many new fans every year who want to have a good time in good company while smoking aromatic mixtures. At the same time, most beginners do not know how to smoke a hookah correctly to get the most pleasure from this leisurely action.

Today we want to give some valuable advice to hookah smokers who are just starting, which will help them better navigate the world of hookah smoking and enjoy this process to the fullest. We will tell you how to prepare a hookah and light it properly.

The Process of Smoking Hookah

If you are a hookah enthusiast then you’ll know the process of smoking hookah. This procedure involves heating tobacco with lit coals placed on a layer of perforated aluminum foil or a heat management device. The heat from the coals vaporizes the tobacco components, producing a thick, aromatic smoke that passes through the water in the hookah’s base before being inhaled. This method of smoking does not directly burn the tobacco, resulting in a smoother, less irritating smoke compared to cigarettes.

Top 10 Rules for Smoking Hookah

Top 10 Rules for Smoking Hookah

1. Don’t “save” on the puff – light inhalations of smoke lead to the coals cooling down quickly, which in turn can cause an unpleasant taste and even a headache. On the other hand, you shouldn’t be too zealous in smoking, as too deep a puff can cause coughing and tearfulness with all the unpleasant consequences. Try to find the optimal measure as quickly as possible, inhaling slowly and not holding the smoke in your lungs for a long time.

2. If you are just getting started with this wonderful art, avoid strong tobacco varieties, preferring light fruity or dessert blends.

3. Do not combine hookah smoking with alcoholic beverages, which will not only kill the delicate aromas, but will also cause a double hangover. Hookah originated in countries where alcohol is prohibited.

4. Do not try to make a hookah at home on your own the first time. It is better to pay attention to how professional hookah smokers do it. After that, study numerous materials on the Internet, which describe this process in sufficient detail. Then buy high-quality devices and ingredients. And only then try to make a hookah at home yourself.

5. A good hookah is never bitter. Any foreign unpleasant taste indicates an error in preparation or use. In particular, if the tobacco in the bowl is in contact with the foil, its taste will be spoiled. The second important point is high-quality charcoal, which is quite difficult to heat up. However, such natural briquettes will not harm the exquisite aroma, adding a subtle note of wood heated on the fire. 

6. The tip of the hookah shaft should not go more than 2-3 centimeters into the flask. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to take a drag, which will lead to a certain tension that is incompatible with this relaxing procedure.

7. If you need to blow out the hookah, you should do it carefully, without trying to demonstrate to others the full power of your lungs. Experienced smokers determine the moment when you should blow out the smoking device. Usually, this is due to the need for forced removal of carbon monoxide, which accumulates in the thicket and gives the smoke a bitter taste.

8. Girls who come to smoke a hookah in a company should refuse lip cosmetics. Few people will like traces of lipstick or glitter on the mouthpiece. And the cosmetic smell will be a bad seasoning for any Hookah tobacco mixture.

9. Do not smoke hookah on an empty stomach or if you feel unwell. Despite the relative safety of this activity, smoke in the body is always an additional burden that can cause unwanted reactions.

10. Smoking requires a positive, friendly atmosphere in which each participant respects their neighbor. It’s not necessary to rush to “get stoned”. Hookah gatherings are always leisurely conversations and shared pleasure from refined aromas and pleasant conversation.

Smoking hookah can be a fun and exciting pastime if certain precautions are taken. Following our tips will help you enjoy this traditional pastime while minimizing its negative impact on your health. The key to safe hookah use is moderation and awareness. It is important to listen to your body, respect the health of others, and choose quality smoking products.

Therefore, if you are a hookah enthusiast and want to open a hookah parlor, just keep the above points in mind and contact GT Hookah Distribution and order the best quality Hookah Bowls, such as Cyril hookah bowl, Agni Hookah Bowls, etc in bulk from us. 

Also, Read – Does Hookah Get You High? What’s a Hookah Buzz?

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