The Most Common Mistakes When Smoking Hookah

by | Sep 21, 2024 | Sin categoría

Shisha, also known as hookah or water pipe, is a popular way to smoke tobacco. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned smoker, it is important to understand the common mistakes to avoid while setup hookah. By avoiding these pitfalls, you can enjoy a more enjoyable, flavourful, and worry-free shisha experience.

In this article, we will guide you through the most common mistakes so that you can avoid them and fully enjoy every puff of your shisha.

Top Mistakes For Setting Hookah Setup

Here, we are giving you the top 10 Hookah Mistakes to avoid when preparing hookahs for a perfect holiday night! So, let’s start.

The water level

Water level is one of the most common issues that cause headaches for hookah smokers and also the main mistake when preparing it. How much water should I fill the base with? The answer to this question is not exact, but we can give you some guidance to calculate it more or less. The water has to cover approximately two fingers from the end of the immersion tube or, if it has a diffuser until it covers the entire diffuser.

What happens if I add too much water? Well, the water enters through the hose and, instead of smoking, what you will end up doing is drinking water. Therefore, under no circumstances can you add more water than what we have indicated above.

Tobacco quantity

“Are there any other hookah tips that I need to take care of while preparing hookahs?” Surely such a question is coming to your mind, right? Well, it’s just a beginning!

Now we are discussing about putting proper tobacco quality.  If you put too little tobacco or leave some thinner inside the bowl, you will not smoke well and you will not be able to get all the flavor you want from your shisha. Therefore, to get the best result, the tobacco should be poured loosely and you can use a punch to cover the whole area of ​​the load.

Also, Read – Where to Buy Cyril Hookah Bowls

Aluminum foil

Aluminum foil is another one of those accessories that we make mistakes with.

  • The main mistake is that we are not using the right aluminum foil. Many people use household aluminum foil and this is not the right one for preparing a hookah. Household foil is usually about 20 microns thick, while hookah foil is usually between 40 and 50 microns thick.
  • Another mistake that is made with aluminum foil is not pulling it tight enough. This foil, when prepared, must be pulled tight enough, otherwise the tobacco can stick to the foil and burn, which will make the shisha taste burnt.
  • The third mistake related to aluminum foil is making too many holes in it or making them too big.  To get the best result, the holes must be equidistant and of an appropriate size.

Glycerine in tobacco

One of the things that people often do is to add a lot of glycerine to the tobacco to create the bubble of smoke that you get when you smoke shisha. Instead of giving a good smoking experience, this will cause the tobacco to burn much sooner. Therefore, to get a good experience, you should add a few drops of glycerine to the tobacco packet and enjoy this with your friend.  


There are many doubts about coals. The main mistake is heating them too little or too much. When they are heated too little, the shisha does not draw. Therefore, it is important to know when they are ready. We recommend placing them in the stove and, once half of them are grey, we turn them over so that the other half heats up. Then, when everything is grey, we take the charcoal with the tongs and blow on it to knock out the ash.

The blower

You have probably seen that in many places a blower is used to heat the coal beforehand or even the hookah itself through an adapter. This is one of the biggest beginner mistakes to avoid when setting up hookah under any circumstances. The bowl has its time, which is usually between 5 and 6 minutes, and it is essential that this time is respected without smoking to get the most out of it. It is not necessary or advisable to use a blower or starter.

Self-igniting coals

Self-igniting charcoals are those charcoals that light up with a lighter in a matter of seconds. Even though this type of charcoal is used for this purpose, it is not the best to smoke because it contains many chemicals, and it often causes headaches, coughing, and a bad taste when you smoke it. It is not a mistake, because, as we have said, this product exists, but we do not recommend using it.

Heat managers

 Another very common mistake is to place the heat manager on the stove so that it heats up faster. We do not recommend this under any circumstances.  The other mistake related to heat managers is not knowing how to use them properly. For example, it is not placed in the bowl with aluminum foil because it does not transmit heat well and, therefore, you cannot get the full performance out of it.

Milk in the base

There is a belief that adding milk to the base will result in more smoke or a thicker smoke and that is completely false. You should not add milk, vodka, Red Bull, or anything else you can think of. You should just add water to the base and nothing else.

Cleaning the hookah

Cleaning the hookah

We know it’s a pain but this is the main thing you have to consider. One of the biggest mistakes we make is not cleaning our hookah properly. Many people limit themselves to changing the water and that’s it, but this is not the case, the hookah needs to be cleaned, and even more so if you smoke different flavors!

In this article on how to clean your hookah and leave it shiny, we have listed 10 lesser-known setting-up tips for hookah. By avoiding these common mistakes when preparing your hookah, you will be able to fully enjoy your smoking experience. In addition, if you are the owner of a leading hookah shop and looking for hookah bowls supplies to buy premium quality hookah for your store, get in touch with GT Hookah. Here, you can find a wide range of high-quality products at competitive prices. In addition, we are also famous for vyro hookah suppliers and alpha hookah wholesaler onto the market.

Visit our website to know more.

Suggested – The Most Common Mistakes When Smoking Hookah

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